What is conflict management?

Conflictmanagement is an important part of management in general. It is a coherent (integral) set of interventions aimed at preventing, guiding, and resolving conflicts within and outside the organization. And as the icing on the cake: recognizing, allowing, and harnessing the positive side of conflicts, the inherent one- or multi-sided desire for change/innovation, for the benefit of both the parties involved in the conflict and the organization: integral conflict management as a means for quality improvement and/or economic growth.

Initiating a system of integral conflict management ensures a safe and creativity-stimulating work environment with minimal absenteeism and maximum results. Initiating a system of integral conflict management ensures a safe and creativity-stimulating work environment with minimal absenteeism and maximum results. And more competitive. Conflict management is also a part of good employership.

Depending on the organization’s size and structure, the organization can establish a conflict management system. Simple or more complex.

As a rule, the system is documented in some form of protocol or policy that should, of course, be known to every colleague.

An example:

Als de organisatie een vertrouwenspersoon (intern of extern) aanstelt en een If the organization appoints a confidential advisor (internal or external) and establishes a regulation with, in short, the following content (conflict > with supervisor) > If no resolution > the Trust Officer > If no resolution > informal internal mediation by the Integrity & Compliance Department > If no resolution > formal external mediation. > If no resolution > (engagement of (in-house) lawyer), then there is a simple integral conflict management system in place.

Also, take a look at our ‘Conflict Management Training – Basic Course for Conflict Advisors