What is mediation?

Mediation is a mediation process between two conflicting parties. The goal of mediation is to find a solution to the problem that the parties have with each other while preserving their relationship. Both the history of the conflict and the emotions of the parties are addressed during mediation. Once the air is cleared, both parties work together to find a suitable solution.

What is important in mediation is that there is room and willingness for negotiation. This means that conflict parties should still have enough trust in a positive outcome. The conflict should also not have escalated too far. Mediation often occurs in the case of a difference of opinion.

Why choose mediation?

There are several reasons why people choose mediation:

  • They want to have control over the resolution of their conflict and prevent (possible) litigation.
  • They want to resolve the conflict in a faster and more cost-effective manner than, for example, through legal proceedings.
  • There is a common interest, making it important now and in the future to resolve the dispute.
  • They want to maintain a good relationship with each other and truly reach a solution.

Mediation also involves both parties learning to listen to each other and increasingly understand each other’s perspectives – something that is very important in resolving a conflict. This is also an important reason for many parties to choose mediation.

The mediator

The mediation is facilitated by a mediator. The literal meaning of mediator is mediator, and that is exactly what a mediator does: mediate. A mediator is impartial, neutral, and has no stake in the outcome of the conflict. The mediator is involved with both conflict parties. He or she helps people in a state of conflict to thaw and become creative.

The first conversation with the mediator

The first conversation with the mediator is often focused on getting acquainted. The mediator gets to know both parties and their positions. He or she will also explain what the mediation process looks like and what the parties can roughly expect from the conversation. Agreements are made regarding confidentiality, for example, and a mediation agreement is signed. Once that is done, the mediation can begin.

Does mediation help with every conflict?

No, mediation is not a miracle cure.” If the parties do not have confidence in a positive outcome, it may be necessary for something else to happen first. It may also be the case that another method of resolution is ultimately better. Are you uncertain about mediation? Or do you want a better understanding of how mediation works exactly? Just contact one of our conflict advisors.” They will be happy to assist you!